Adviters Academy: Summary of Our «Tips to Improve Your CV» Webinar

With Camila Guerrini and Luz Ribas

On Friday, the 16th, we held our webinar: «Tips to Improve Your CV,» focused on tools to present and enhance your CV. We were thrilled to be able to help those who are seeking their first challenge in this exciting world.

It’s important to understand that your CV is your life’s summary, the first formal presentation you have when searching for a job and embarking on new projects. The CV often serves as a reflection of your academic and professional career, which is why we put so much dedication into crafting it. Everything we include, the way we do it, and the relevance we give to the information it contains is essential for generating a good first impression of our profile.

What kind of information should your CV contain?


Every CV should include, at the very least, a section for contact details, a professional experience section, and an academic summary.


Not all positions and companies require a photo on the CV. If you choose to include one, we recommend that the photo, while it can be relaxed, should not be too informal.

After completing the sections for professional experience and academic summary, you can add a list of skills that are relevant to the company and the position and have not been mentioned previously.

What should be the order of your CV?

1st: Introduction

Start with a section that shows your name, phone number, email, geographic location (city, province/state, and country), and a brief summary/introduction.

❌Avoid: Exact address, identification number, or any other sensitive information that does not contribute to the selection process in its early stages.

2nd: Professional Experience

Presented in chronological order, from the most recent to the oldest experience.

Include Company, Position, Period, and Details of Tasks, in that order.



Talent Acquisition Analyst

Jul 2021 – Present

Sourcing candidates for various technical profile searches. Candidate screening and competency assessment. Client presentations and coordination of onboarding stages.

3rd: Academic Profile

In this section, condense your undergraduate and postgraduate studies, as well as any training courses.

Include Institution, Degree Obtained, and Period, in that order.


Argentine University of the Enterprise

Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology

Mar 2016 – Dec 2020

University of San Martin

Diploma in HR Management

Mar 2021 – Jul 2021

What should be the format?

Choose colors that do not distract from the information and do not visually clutter the CV.

1st: Clear, concise, and neat design.

Use PDF format to prevent the recipient from modifying the data, but still allow them to copy the contact information to avoid communication issues.

2nd: Position-focused CVs

Every company has different cultures and looks for different profiles. Each area within a company focuses on specific competencies.

«The best tip is to have a CV for each type of position you aspire to.»


A young physiotherapist has worked their whole life as a retail employee.

If they aspire to a position as a physiotherapist, it’s best to group their previous experience under one item and focus on their experience in physiotherapy.

If they are also open to positions as a retail employee or related skills, they can have another copy of their CV with a more detailed description of their previous tasks.

👨‍💻CV for a Developer

1st: Define the Profile

What is your main role and/or technology?


Angular Developer

QA Automation

Java Technical Lead

Full-stack .NET Developer

Avoid very general profiles like Full-stack Developer or Technical Lead without specifying the main technology/ies.

2nd: Separate Professional Experience from Personal Projects

Personal projects and professional experience are different spheres. While you can gain experience from both types of projects, it’s important to separate them in order to understand the scope and participation in different stages and spheres of the project.

3rd: Group Freelance Work Example:


Frontend Developer

Mar 2018 – Sep 2021

Project for a family logistics and distribution company. Website developed in WordPress, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Website for a real estate company developed in WordPress, HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

4th: List Technologies by Project

In order: main technologies, complementary technologies, additional technologies.



Java Developer

Mar 2020 – Present

Development of a product for the banking industry (issuance modules, reception, rejections, return requests, acceptances, queries). Technologies: Java, Spring, JBoss, JPA, SQL Server, Primefaces.

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